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Kid Crime Fighters

Kiaan Talwar

One sunny Monday morning Joe invited his friends to the playground. The group of boys all lived on the same street and they had been playing at the park together for a long time. Everybody was so happy to see each other but they noticed James was a bit down. They asked him why he seemed sad and he told them his house was broken into while he and his family were on holiday.  

Joe said, ”Oh my God James! What happened?” James took a deep breath then told his friends the entire story. “Me and my family went on a holiday. We even hired security guards to keep the house safe, but when we got back the safe was empty! The security guards were gone too! We thought they left early, but when we called the security guard company the manager said he'd never heard of them. We've been tricked!”

Joe said, “That's horrible James, maybe we can help find the robber.” Fred and Dane agreed. “That's a great idea," they said. Fred said, “We need to walk to the scene of the crime.” 

As they walked in the neighborhood, Hollyland, they noticed each house was bigger than the last with beautiful flowers, luxurious gardens, and big, fancy cars in the driveway. They finally reach James' house. They realized that James' mansion was the biggest and most luxurious house on the block. 

When James and his friends walked inside they were greeted by the butler. The first thing they noticed was the big chandelier hanging from the ceiling. Then they noticed the expensive furniture, sculptures, and portraits hanging on the wall in golden frames. The house also was full of chefs, maids, butlers, and gardeners busy doing their jobs. 

As they looked around in shock, James walked them into the basement and showed them that the big safe was empty. “See this is what I was telling you about. It used to be full of gold and diamonds but now it's empty,” said James, “We should go back up and look for clues.” 

Then they went upstairs and started looking for clues. They looked for clues for a long time. Finally, Fred found the first clue near the window. “Hey guys I found some name tags,” said Fred. “The robbers probably escaped through the window,” said Joe. They looked through the window and saw footprints. “They probably went that way,” said James, “We should call the police.” 

When the police got there they followed the footprints to the old bakery down the block. After the police broke down the door they found the robbers with all the gold and jewelry. The robbers couldn't deny that they stole from James' house because the evidence was all around them. The police quickly arrested them and took them to jail. 

“We did it,” Joe said, “That was pretty easy, we should start a detective club!” All the kids agreed.  Fred said, “We need a name. we should call ourselves the Kid Crime Fighters.” THE END!

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